Our impact

Our impact

Frank Water has enabled 513,229 people reached over the last 18 years, across 747 communities.

We are proud to reach an important milestone – since 2005 we’ve now reached more than 500,000 people in over 700 communities to access a water-secure future in India, Nepal, and Kenya.  We’ve achieved this by closely working with partners and the communities themselves to make systematic changes to ensure long-term access to safe, clean water, hygiene, and sanitation. 

Numbers, however, only recognise a small proportion of Frank Water’s impact and don’t truly capture the hundreds of thousands of human stories about lives that have been transformed. What’s more, our work in research and innovation, developing new understanding, knowledge, and best practices across all aspects of water use and management, is achieving global impact. As we continue to collaborate, share our expertise, and advocate for best practices, we are driving the change in the water, sanitation, and hygiene sector that is needed for a water-secure world. 

Read about what we’ve achieved, how we spend our money and the people who’ve made it possible.

Every year we receive extraordinary support from corporate partners, grant-making trusts and companies who donate their time and expertise.

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